5 minute read

MarkdownPS is a PowerShell module that wraps the markdown syntax into PowerShell cmdlets.

Initially I ran into the PSMarkdown for which ishu3101 had developed a cmdlet that renders a table in markdown syntax. This was very useful and I decided that I needed more functionality provided by cmdlets to render other aspects of markdown. After discussing with ishu3101 I pushed a head and created a module of my own. The New-MDTable cmdlet’s code is inspired by the ConvertTo-Markdown by ishu3101 but I enhanced it with column alignment.

This is my first open source projects in GitHub, so I took the opportunity to educate myself a bit about it. The MarkdownPS repository is integrated with visual studio services and I also use Pester to unit test each cmdlet. Overall, it was a good experience while picking up PowerShell knowledge along. Integrating Pester from Visual Studio Services is a bit tricky because VSS runs on PowerShell 4 and the Pester is available with PowerShell v5. The solution is available in code.

Rendering headers

New-MDHeader "Headings"
New-MDHeader "The second largest heading" -Level 2
"The smallest heading"|New-MDHeader  -Level 6


# Headings

## The second largest heading

###### The smallest heading


The second largest heading

The smallest heading


    "Paragraphs are separated by empty lines. Within a paragraph it's possible to have a line break,"
    "simply press <return> for a new line."
New-MDParagraph -Lines $lines
    "For example,"
    "like this."
New-MDParagraph -Lines $lines


Paragraphs are separated by empty lines. Within a paragraph it's possible to have a line break,
simply press <return> for a new line.

For example,
like this.

Paragraphs are separated by empty lines. Within a paragraph it’s possible to have a line break, simply press for a new line.

For example, like this.

Bold, Italic and StrikeThrough

New-MDCharacterStyle -Text "Italic characters" -Style Italic
New-MDCharacterStyle -Text "bold characters" -Style Bold
New-MDCharacterStyle -Text "strikethrough text" -Style StrikeThrough
"All Styles" | New-MDCharacterStyle -Style Bold| New-MDCharacterStyle -Style Italic | New-MDCharacterStyle -Style StrikeThrough


*Italic characters*

**bold characters**

~~strikethrough text~~

~~***All Styles***~~

Italic characters

bold characters

strikethrough text

All Styles


    "George Washington",
    "John Adams",
    "Thomas Jefferson"
New-MDList -Lines $lines -Style Unordered

    "James Madison",
    "James Monroe",
    "John Quincy Adams"
New-MDList -Lines $lines -Style Ordered

New-MDList -Lines "Make my changes" -Style Ordered -NoNewLine
New-MDList -Lines @("Fix bug","Improve formatting") -Level 2 -Style Ordered -NoNewLine
New-MDList -Lines "Make the headings bigger" -Level 3 -Style Unordered -NoNewLine
New-MDList -Lines "Push my commits to GitHub" -Style Ordered -NoNewLine
New-MDList -Lines "Open a pull request" -Style Ordered -NoNewLine
New-MDList -Lines @("Describe my changes","Mention all the members of my team") -Level 2 -Style Ordered -NoNewLine
New-MDList -Lines "Ask for feedback" -Level 3 -Style Unordered


- George Washington
- John Adams
- Thomas Jefferson

1. James Madison
2. James Monroe
3. John Quincy Adams

1. Make my changes

   1. Fix bug
   2. Improve formatting

    - Make the headings bigger

1. Push my commits to GitHub

1. Open a pull request

   1. Describe my changes
   2. Mention all the members of my team

    - Ask for feedback
  • George Washington
  • John Adams
  • Thomas Jefferson
  1. James Madison
  2. James Monroe
  3. John Quincy Adams

  4. Make my changes

    1. Fix bug
    2. Improve formatting
    • Make the headings bigger
  5. Push my commits to GitHub

  6. Open a pull request

    1. Describe my changes
    2. Mention all the members of my team
    • Ask for feedback
"This is "+(New-MDLink -Text "an example" -Link "http://www.example.com/")+" inline link."

(New-MDLink -Text "This link" -Link "http://www.example.com/" -Title "Title")+" has a title attribute."


This is [an example](http://www.example.com/) inline link.

[This link](http://www.example.com/ "Title") has a title attribute.

This is an example inline link.

This link has a title attribute.


New-MDImage -Source "https://www.powershellgallery.com/Content/Images/Branding/psgallerylogo.svg" -AltText "Alt text"
New-MDImage -Source "https://www.powershellgallery.com/Content/Images/Branding/psgallerylogo.svg" -AltText "Alt text" -Title "Optional title attribute"


![Alt text](https://www.powershellgallery.com/Content/Images/Branding/psgallerylogo.svg)

![Alt text](https://www.powershellgallery.com/Content/Images/Branding/psgallerylogo.svg "Optional title attribute")

Alt text

Alt text


New-MDParagraph -Lines "In the words of Abraham Lincoln:"
    "Pardon my French"
New-MDQuote -Lines $lines

New-MDParagraph -Lines "Multi line quote"
    "Line 1"
    "Line 2"
New-MDQuote -Lines $lines


Multi line quote

> Line 1
> Line 2

Multi line quote

Line 1

Line 2

Code fences

"Use "+(New-MDInlineCode -Text "git status") + "to list all new or modified files that haven't yet been committed."

New-MDParagraph -Lines "Some basic Git commands are:" -Style "text"
    "git status",
    "git add",
    "git commit"
New-MDCode -Lines $lines


Use \`git status\`to list all new or modified files that haven't yet been committed.
Some basic Git commands are:

    git status
    git add
    git commit

Use git statusto list all new or modified files that haven’t yet been committed. Some basic Git commands are:

    git status
    git add
    git commit


New-MDHeader "Tables"
New-MDParagraph -Lines "Without aligned columns"
Get-Command -Module MarkdownPS |Select-Object Name,CommandType,Version | New-MDTable
New-MDParagraph -Lines "With aligned columns"
Get-Command -Module MarkdownPS | New-MDTable -Columns ([ordered]@{Name="left";CommandType="center";Version="right"})


Without aligned columns

| Name                 | CommandType          | Version              |
| -------------------- | -------------------- | -------------------- |
| New-MDCharacterStyle | Function             |                      |
| New-MDCode           | Function             |                      |
| New-MDHeader         | Function             |                      |
| New-MDImage          | Function             |                      |
| New-MDInlineCode     | Function             |                      |
| New-MDLink           | Function             |                      |
| New-MDList           | Function             |                      |
| New-MDParagraph      | Function             |                      |
| New-MDQuote          | Function             |                      |
| New-MDTable          | Function             |                      |

With aligned columns

| Name                 | CommandType          | Version              |
| -------------------- |:--------------------:| --------------------:|
| New-MDCharacterStyle | Function             |                      |
| New-MDCode           | Function             |                      |
| New-MDHeader         | Function             |                      |
| New-MDImage          | Function             |                      |
| New-MDInlineCode     | Function             |                      |
| New-MDLink           | Function             |                      |
| New-MDList           | Function             |                      |
| New-MDParagraph      | Function             |                      |
| New-MDQuote          | Function             |                      |
| New-MDTable          | Function             |                      |

Without aligned columns

Name CommandType Version
New-MDCharacterStyle Function  
New-MDCode Function  
New-MDHeader Function  
New-MDImage Function  
New-MDInlineCode Function  
New-MDLink Function  
New-MDList Function  
New-MDParagraph Function  
New-MDQuote Function  
New-MDTable Function  

With aligned columns

Name CommandType Version
New-MDCharacterStyle Function  
New-MDCode Function  
New-MDHeader Function  
New-MDImage Function  
New-MDInlineCode Function  
New-MDLink Function  
New-MDList Function  
New-MDParagraph Function  
New-MDQuote Function  
New-MDTable Function  
